
Marius Fransman Makes a Political Comeback with New Party

Is Fransman’s New Party a Response to Current Political Challenges?

Marius Fransman Makes a Political Comeback with New Party

Marius Fransman, previously known as the ANC’s chairperson in the Western Cape, has made a notable return to the political scene. He announced the launch of a new political entity, the People’s Movement for Change (PMC).

This development surfaced yesterday, amidst Fransman’s dismissal of speculation about discussions with the newly-formed uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party, which has received backing from Jacob Zuma.

During a press conference held by his party, the announcement of its leadership was made. The team is composed of former political figures, religious authorities, members of civic society, and cultural influencers.

Fransman elaborated on the current focus of the PMC: “We have finalized the establishment of our party. Our attention is now on structuring our organization and actively engaging with local communities.”

Previously, Fransman held a position in Jacob Zuma’s cabinet as the deputy minister of international relations.

Addressing the media in Cape Town, Fransman emphasized the PMC’s commitment to fostering national discourse. He said, “Acknowledging the existing political fragmentation and the intense societal divisions, initiating a dialogue that mirrors the essence of the historic ‘CODESA’ [the negotiations that reshaped South Africa post-apartheid] is vital.”

He proposed an additional initiative, an economic CODESA, aiming to unite various stakeholders in a concerted effort to confront economic challenges.

Regarding the contentious Western Cape Provincial Powers Bill, Fransman critiqued the political maneuvering by the DA and the ANC. He proposed a referendum to reassess the powers, roles, and administration of provinces, ensuring equitable service to all citizens.

Fransman addressed the issue of banks potentially misusing their authority. He asserted that his party plans to interact with these institutions, emphasizing that financial establishments should not become tools in political conflicts.

The PMC has experienced rapid growth, amassing 95,000 members in the past two months.

Fransman’s political journey faced a setback when he was expelled from the ANC in November 2016, following sexual harassment allegations. Although the criminal charges were withdrawn by the complainant, the ANC concluded that Fransman had misused his position to seek sexual favors.

What do you think?


Written by Bobby Boucher


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