
Karpowership to Bring 1,220 MW of Power to Cape Town

Cape Town, South Africa – Turkish powership operator Karpowership has been awarded a contract to supply 1,220 MW of power to Cape Town. The contract, which is worth $1.2 billion, will see Karpowership deploy a floating power plant in the city’s harbor.

The power plant will be a converted oil tanker that has been fitted with a gas-fired turbine. The turbine will burn natural gas that is delivered to the ship via a pipeline. The power plant will be able to generate electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Added Energy to the Eskom Grid

The contract is part of South Africa’s efforts to address its ongoing power crisis. The country has been experiencing rolling blackouts for several years due to a combination of factors, including aging infrastructure, a lack of investment, and corruption.

Karpowership is a leading provider of floating power plants. The company has installed powerships in over 20 countries around the world. The company’s powerships are a cost-effective and reliable way to generate electricity. They are also relatively quick to deploy, which makes them ideal for countries that are facing an urgent need for additional power.

The arrival of Karpowership’s powership in Cape Town is a major step forward in the city’s efforts to address its power crisis. The power plant will help to ensure that Cape Town has a reliable source of electricity for the foreseeable future.

Karpowership Environmental Concerns

The arrival of Karpowership’s powership in Cape Town has raised some environmental concerns. Some environmental groups have expressed concerns about the impact of the power plant on air quality and marine life.

Karpowership has said that it will take steps to mitigate the environmental impact of the power plant. The company has said that it will use low-sulfur fuel and that it will install pollution control equipment on the power plant.

The South African government has said that it will monitor the environmental impact of the power plant closely. The government has said that it will take action if the power plant is found to be causing environmental damage.


The arrival of Karpowership’s powership in Cape Town is a major step forward in the city’s efforts to address its power crisis. The power plant will help to ensure that Cape Town has a reliable source of electricity for the foreseeable future.

While there are some environmental concerns about the power plant, Karpowership has said that it will take steps to mitigate the impact. The South African government has also said that it will monitor the environmental impact of the power plant closely.

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