
Julian Assange Released from Belmarsh Prison

Julian Assange is Free!

julian assange is free

Julian Assange walked out of Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, ending his 1901-day stint behind bars. Granted bail by the High Court in London, Assange was released in the afternoon at Stansted Airport, where he boarded a plane and left the UK.

This release marks the culmination of a global campaign that involved grassroots organizers, press freedom advocates, legislators, and political leaders from around the world, extending up to the United Nations. The collective efforts facilitated extensive negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to an agreement that remains to be formally finalized. Further details will be provided as they become available.

Having spent over five years confined to a 2×3 metre cell, where he was isolated for 23 hours a day, Assange will soon reunite with his wife, Stella Assange, and their children. Until now, they have only known him from behind bars.

WikiLeaks, under Assange’s leadership as editor-in-chief, published significant stories exposing government corruption and human rights violations, holding those in power accountable. For these principles and the public’s right to know, Julian paid a heavy price.


As Assange prepares to return to Australia, gratitude is extended to all who supported, fought for, and remained dedicated to the cause of his freedom.

Julian’s freedom is our freedom.

What do you think?


Written by Wendy


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